Tuesday, December 24, 2013

OWH - Penguin

Sandy gave us a challenge to send a penguin card since one of the Generals wanted them for his team.  She was worried we would all use the same penguin stamp.  No problem for me, I do not have a penguin stamp.  But my niece loves penguins, so I have had a bunch of cut out templates around and came up with this.


Thank you for looking.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

OWH - December Daily Bread Challenge

For the Daily Bread December Challenge, what could be more manly than a guy watching TV, wearing comfy clothes and drinking a beer.  This is an Art Impressions stamp and I love them because they always make me smile.  This card is in my box to go to OWH and hopefully make someone smile . . .

Thank you for visiting.